Schedule 19 – Last Updated: May 22, 2024

Ontario Regulation 207/96 under the Forest Fires Prevention Act
Item Offence Section Set Fine
1. Start fire under unsafe conditions 1(1) $200.00
2. Start fire – fail to leave person in charge 1(2) $200.00
3. Fail to tend fire 1(3) $200.00
4. Fail to keep fire under control 1(3) $200.00
5. Fail to extinguish fire 1(3) $200.00
6. Unlawfully start fire without a permit 2 $200.00
7. Unlawfully tend fire without a permit 2 $200.00
8. Unlawfully make fire in incinerator without a permit 3(1) $200.00
9. Unlawfully tend fire in incinerator without a permit 3(1) $200.00
10. Fail to ensure monitoring of fire in incinerator 3(2) $200.00
11. Burn grass without a permit 4(1) $200.00
12. Burn leaf litter without a permit 4(1) $200.00
12.1 Fail toimmediately extinguish fire started under permit 7(2) $250.00
13. Fail to keep fire permit at site 7(3) $100.00
14. Fail to produce fire permit 7(4) $100.00
15. Unlawfully start fire in restricted fire zone for cooking or warmth 8 $750.00
16. Unlawfully tend fire in restricted fire zone for cooking or warmth 8 $500.00
17. Unlawfully use portable stove for cooking or warmth in a restricted fire zone 8.1(1) $500.00
17.1 Unlawfully use portable stove for cooking or warmth outside restricted fire zone 8.1(1) $200.00
18. Unlawfully use charcoal installation for cooking or warmth outside restricted fire zone 8.2(1) $200.00
19. Unlawfully use charcoal installation for cooking or warmth in a restricted fire zone 8.2(2) $500.00
20. Unlawfully use charcoal installation for cooking or warmth in a campground in a restricted fire zone 8.2(3) $500.00
21. Unlawfully use woodburning stove for cooking or warmth outside restricted fire zone 8.3(1) $200.00
22. Unlawfully use woodburning furnace for cooking or warmth outside restricted fire zone 8.3(1) $200.00
23. Unlawfully use woodburning stove for cooking or warmth in a restricted fire zone 8.3(2) $500.00
24. Unlawfully use woodburning furnace for cooking or warmth in a restricted fire zone 8.3(2) $500.00
25. Unlawfully set wood fire in permanent fire installation in a campground in a restricted fire zone 8.4 $500.00
26. Unlawfully start fire during fire season for cooking or warmth 8.5 $200.00
27. Unlawfully use portable woodburning stove for cooking or warmth outside restricted fire zone 8.6 $200.00
28. Operate equipment or machinery in forest area without fire extinguisher 9(1) $300.00
29. Fire extinguisher – not in serviceable condition 9(2) $150.00
30. Fire extinguisher – not rated as required 9(2) $150.00
31. Start power saw within 3 metres of fuelling site 10(1) $200.00
32. Place power saw on flammable material 10(2) $200.00
33. Operate power saw without fire extinguisher 10(3) $150.00
34. Fail to check machinery/equipment for accumulation of flammable material 11(1) $150.00
35. Fail to remove flammable materials from machinery/equipment 11(1) $150.00
36. Fail to dispose of flammable material safely 11(2) $150.00
37. Leave machinery/equipment during fire season in area with flammable material 11(3) $200.00
38. Modify spark-arresting device 12 $300.00
39. Unlawfully travel in a restricted zone 13 $300.00
40. Owner of industrial operation — fail to ensure compliance by operators 16(2) $750.00
40.1 Operator — fail to examine vegetation to classify as required 20(2) $500.00
41. Operator — fail to follow procedures to classify vegetation at worksite 20(3) $500.00
42. Operator — fail to carry out examinations and re-classifications of vegetation as required 20(4) $500.00
43. Operator — fail to consult fire intensity code report 22(1)(a) $500.00
44. Operator — fail to determine applicable fire intensity code 22(1)(b) $500.00
45. Operator — fail to use fire intensity code as an indicator 22(4)(a) $500.00
46. Operator — fail to use fire intensity code to determine precautions 22(4)(b) $500.00
47. Operator — fail to ensure that hours of operation adjusted 23(1) $750.00
48. Operator where operation not trained and capable — fail to ensure that operations are shut down 23(3) $750.00
49. Operator where operation not trained and capable — fail to ensure that hours of operation are reduced 23(3) $750.00
50. Operator of trained and capable operation — fail to ensure that operations are shut down 23(4) $750.00
51. Operator of trained and capable operation — fail to ensure that hours of operation are reduced 23(4) $750.00
52. Operator — fail to ensure at least one worker patrols worksite after operations cease 23(6) $750.00
53. Operator — fail to shut down operations at 06:00 23(7)(a) $750.00
54. Operator — begin operations before required shut down no longer applies 23(7)(b) $750.00
55. Operator — fail to ensure at least one worker patrols worksite after operations cease 23(7)(c) $750.00
56. Worker — fail to immediately report fire 23(8) $500.00
57. Operator — fail to prepare fire prevention and preparedness plan 24(1) $750.00
58. Fail to keep fire prevention and preparedness plan at worksite 24(4) $500.00
59. Fail to prepare vegetation management plan 25(1) $750.00
60. Fail to provide vegetation management plan to Ministry upon request 25(2) $750.00
61. Operator — fail to ensure required fire suppression equipment is available 26(1)(a) $750.00
62. Operator — fail to ensure required fire suppression equipment is in serviceable condition 26(1)(b) $750.00
63. Operator — fail to ensure persons carrying out operations are able to operate fire suppression equipment 26(1)(c) $750.00
Ontario Court of Justice