Schedule 17.7

IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to the provisions of the Provincial Offences Act and the rules for the Ontario Court of Justice, that the amount set opposite each of the offences in the attached Items of Schedule 17.7 under the Provincial Statutes and Regulations thereunder is the Set Fine.

This Order comes into effect on the 29th day of May 2014.

DATED AT TORONTO this 29th day of May 2014.


Annemarie E. Bonkalo, Chief Justice
Ontario Court of Justice

Schedule 17.7
Ontario Regulation 665/98 under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997
Item Offence Section Set Fine Previous Set Fine
59.14 Fail to submit required information re snapping turtle hunt 36 (7) $100.00 New
67. Fail to affix antlerless deer validation tag to seal 45 (1) $200.00 Fine amount has not changed. Short-form wording has changed
79.1 Resident — fail to affix moose validation tag to licence 52 (4) $200.00 Fine amount has not changed. Short-form wording has changed
89.1 Resident — fail to return completed bear hunt questionnaire as required 59 (2) $150.00 Fine amount has not changed. Short-form wording has changed
153. Unlawfully use firearm during chase during closed season 89 (3) (a) $100.00 New
154. Unlawfully carry firearm during chase during closed season 89 (3) (a) $100.00 New
155. Unlawfully kill wildlife during chase during closed season 89 (3) (b) $200.00 New
156. Unlawfully capture wildlife during chase during closed season 89 (3) (b) $250.00 New
157. Chase raccoon without licensed dog as required 89 (4) $150.00 New
158. Chase red fox, coyote or wolf without dog as required 89 (5) $150.00 New
159. Chase coyote or wolf during day in prohibited area 89 (6) $250.00 New
167. Unlawfully hunt in provincial park 104 $150.00 Fine amount has not changed. Short-form wording has changed
167.1 Unlawfully hunt on Crown land 104 $150.00 New
182. Fail to release wildlife as required 133 (1) (a) $150.00 Fine amount has not changed. Short-form wording and reference clause has changed
183. Fail to deliver wildlife to custodian as required 133 (1) (b) $150.00 New
185. Fail to maintain event records as required 135.1 (2) (a) $150.00 New
186. Fail to provide event records as required 135.1 (2) (b) $150.00 New
Ontario Court of Justice