67 King St.
Picton, Ontario K0K 2T0
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For courthouse office and service hours, please visit the Ministry of Attorney General court locations website.
Picton Duty Counsel office: dc.belleville@lao.on.ca or 613-962-9106 ext 2751
Picton Crown: VirtualCrownPicton@ontario.ca or 613-476-6267
Public Prosecution Service of Canada: drugdisclosurerequestbelleville@gmlegal.ca or
(613) 966-4614
Picton Courthouse Picton.ocj.courts@ontario.ca or (613) 476-6236
For accessibility accommodations and accessibility coordinator information, please visit the Ministry of Attorney General court locations website.
For French-language services, please visit the Ministry of Attorney General court locations website.
Provincial Offences Court information, including information about Zoom coordinates for virtual appearances, can be found in the Provincial Offences Court and case information section of this website.
For details about virtual criminal case management court appearances, see Criminal Case Management Appearances
Courtroom matter
Courtroom number:
Meeting ID: 634 5227 9409
Passcode: 861580
Time | Tier |
9:30 am -11:30 am | Counsel matters, Duty counsel matters and Self represented accused |
2:00 pm | Counsel matters, Duty counsel matters and Self represented accused |
No formal trial readiness court – trial readiness will be canvassed in individual cases by the Local Administrative Judge or designate, as appropriate.