216 Water Street
Kenora, Ontario P9N 1S4
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For courthouse office and service hours, please visit the Ministry of Attorney General court locations website.
Kenora Duty Counsel office 807-468-6722 or toll free 1-800-267-0650, press 0 to leave a message with your name, location and a telephone number you can be reached at.
For members of Nishnawbe-Aski Nation First Nations, to access Legal Aid assistance, contact NALSC Head Office at: Phone: (807) 622-1413, Toll Free: 1-800-465-5581, or email: You may also visit the website at to locate the Community Legal Worker who can also assist you with applying for legal aid.
Provincial Crown: or 807-468-2835
Public Prosecution Service of or 807-470-0029
Kenora courthouse: or 807-468-2842
For accessibility accommodations and accessibility coordinator information, please visit the Ministry of Attorney General court locations website.
For French-language services, please visit the Ministry of Attorney General court locations website.
Provincial Offences Court information, including information about Zoom coordinates for virtual appearances, can be found in the Provincial Offences Court and case information section of this website.
For details about virtual criminal case management court appearances, see Criminal Case Management Appearances
Courtroom matter
Courtroom number:
Meeting ID: 647 5364 9769
Passcode: 422442
Kenora Judge-led Intensive Case Management Court (As scheduled).
Joining by video:
Meeting ID: 640 2382 3291
Passcode: 953165
Joining by phone:
1-855-703-8985 toll free
Meeting ID: 640 2382 3291
Passcode: 953165
As scheduled.
Joining by video:
Meeting ID: 652 2013 1167
Passcode: 462716
Joining by phone:
Meeting ID: 652 2013 1167
Passcode: 462716
Court date: Friday 2 to 3 weeks prior to trial date.
09:30 AM (Central)
Join by video or telephone using Zoom – counsel/parties will be contacted and provided with the connection information