
For questions about a court matter, contact the courthouse.

If you have trouble communicating with the courthouse, contact the Ministry of the Attorney General at Include the following information:

  • court location (city or region)
  • court file or police occurrence number
  • type of matter (for example, family, criminal, civil law)
  • full names of those involved

The information on the Ontario courts web site is provided for information purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal advice. If you have legal questions or require advice about a specific legal issue, please consult with a lawyer. We are unable to respond to these types of questions.


We are interested in your opinions, suggestions and your comments about the content of our pages and the website itself. The technical questions or comments about the content of the website will be answered within one business day. You must include your e-mail address if you require a response.

Due to volume of email, it may not be possible to acknowledge, redirect or respond to email that is addressed to specific members of the court or generally addressed to the courts. These comments should be made in writing and sent to the court or individual, and include your name and postal address.

Ontario Court of Justice