Appointments Process

The Judicial Appointments Advisory Committee was formed in 1988, and the Justices of the Peace Appointments Advisory Committee, in 2007. These committees operate independently of the Ontario Court of Justice. As a convenience, information about their procedures and their work are included here.


The Justices of the Peace Appointments Advisory Committee (JPAAC) was established in 2007 following amendments to the Justices of the Peace Act. JPAAC’s duties are to classify applicants for appointment as justices of the peace and to report those classifications to the Attorney General. Justices of the peace are appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council on the recommendation of the Attorney General.

JPAAC consists of a core committee of three members, including a judge or a justice of the peace appointed by the Chief Justice of the Ontario Court of Justice, a justice of the peace appointed by the Chief Justice of the Ontario Court of Justice who is either the Senior Indigenous Justice of the Peace or another justice of the peace familiar with indigenous issues, and one member appointed by the Attorney General.

In addition, JPAAC has seven regional committees, one for each of the regions of the Ontario Court of Justice. These regional committees consist of the regional senior justice of the peace or their delegates, not more than three other members appointed by the Attorney General and a licensee (lawyer or paralegal) appointed by the Attorney General from a list of three names provided by the Law Society of Ontario. Additionally, the Attorney General is to designate one member of each regional committee as a regional lead.

Ontario Court of Justice