Notice to the Family Law Bar and Family Litigants – Scheduling Court for Cases Approaching Administrative Dismissal

Central South: Kitchener and Hamilton

May 28, 2024

Parties who have received a Form 39: Notice of Approaching Dismissal and who wish to avoid the dismissal of their family case must complete the Notice of Approaching Dismissal Scheduling form within the timeline set out in the Notice of Approaching Dismissal, serve it on the other party(ies), and file it with the Court, with proof of service or an explanation as to why they could not serve other party.

Parties will then be contacted by the trial coordinators, who will provide them with a set date for Notice of Approaching Dismissal Scheduling Court. This brief virtual attendance will permit the presiding judge to determine what type of event should be scheduled and when.

Parties must follow any directions about uploading the Notice of Approaching Dismissal form to Case Center.

If parties fail to attend the Notice of Approaching Dismissal Scheduling Court, their case shall be dismissed unless the court orders otherwise.


The Honourable Mr. Justice Paul R. Sweeny

Regional Senior Judge, Central South Region


Date: May 28, 2024