The Honourable Geoffrey B. Morawetz
Chief Justice of the Superior Court of Justice
The Honourable Faye E. McWatt
Associate Chief Justice of the Superior Court of Justice
The Honourable Suzanne M. Stevenson
Senior Judge of the Family Court
Judges of the Superior Court of Justice by Region
Judges of the Central East Region
The Honourable Mark L. Edwards
Regional Senior Judge for the Central East Region
The Honourable Stephen T. Bale
The Honourable Paula L. Bateman (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Richard T. Bennett (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Bhavneet K. Bhangu
The Honourable Laura A. Bird
The Honourable R. Cary Boswell
The Honourable Joanne Bruhn (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Jill C. Cameron
The Honourable Annette Casullo
The Honourable Robert Charney
The Honourable Vanessa V. Christie
The Honourable J. Christopher Corkery
The Honourable Amelia M. Daurio (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Chris de Sa
The Honourable Joseph Di Luca
The Honourable Peter A. Douglas (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Yvonne D. Fiamengo (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable John A. Finlayson (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Suzan Fraser
The Honourable Laura E. Fryer (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Michelle Fuerst
The Honourable Drew S. Gunsolus
The Honourable Susan E. Healey
The Honourable Marcella Henschel
The Honourable Andrea Himel (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Jayne E. Hughes (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable R. Sonya Jain (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Seema Jain (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable David Jarvis (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Ronald P. Kaufman (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Gilead Kay (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Pamela M. Krause (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Myrna L. Lack
The Honourable Sharon Lavine
The Honourable Karen D.M. Leef (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Howard Leibovich
The Honourable George MacPherson (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Sunil S. Mathai
The Honourable John R. McCarthy
The Honourable John P. L. McDermot (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Michael K. McKelvey
The Honourable J. Scott McLeod (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Paul W. Nicholson (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Allan R. Rowsell (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Joanna M. Shaw
The Honourable Clyde Smith
The Honourable Jocelyn Speyer
The Honourable Phillip Sutherland
The Honourable Mary E. Vallee
The Honourable Catriona Verner
The Honourable Lisa A. Wannamaker
The Honourable Susan Woodley
Judges of the Central South Region
The Honourable Paul R. Sweeny
Regional Senior Judge for the Central South Region
The Honourable Sandra Antoniani
The Honourable Harrison S. Arrell
The Honourable Lauren Bale (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Kathleen Bingham (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Michael Bordin
The Honourable Catrina D. Braid
The Honourable Jennifer Breithaupt Smith (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable David A. Broad
The Honourable Caroline E. Brown (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Kim A. Carpenter-Gunn
The Honourable Deborah L. Chappel (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Meredith Donohue
The Honourable David L. Edwards
The Honourable Giulia Gambacorta
The Honourable Michael R. Gibson
The Honourable Andrew J. Goodman
The Honourable Nathalie Gregson (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Joseph R. Henderson
The Honourable Aubrey D. Hilliard
The Honourable John Krawchenko
The Honourable Mary Anne Kril (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Cheryl Lafrenière (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Scott N. Latimer
The Honourable Tammy W. Law (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Robert MacLeod (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Byrdena MacNeil
The Honourable Wendy L. MacPherson (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Theresa Maddalena (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Michael D. McArthur
The Honourable Linda McKenzie (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Rasim Misheal (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable S. James Mountford (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Robert J. Nightingale
The Honourable Amy J. Ohler
The Honourable Dale Parayeski
The Honourable Alex Pazaratz (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Diana Piccoli (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable James A. Ramsay
The Honourable Robert B. Reid
The Honourable Elizabeth C. Sheard
The Honourable Antonio Skarica
The Honourable Ian Smith
The Honourable Andrew J. Spurgeon
The Honourable Leanne E. Standryk
The Honourable Gerald E. Taylor
The Honourable Martha Ann Tweedie (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Michael J. Valente
The Honourable Jacalyn D. Walters (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Frances M. Wood (Family Court Branch)
Judges of the Central West Region
The Honourable E. Ria Tzimas
Regional Senior Judge for the Central West Region
The Honourable Ranjan K. Agarwal
The Honourable Irving W. André
The Honourable Deena F. Baltman
The Honourable Kofi N. Barnes
The Honourable Ivan S. Bloom
The Honourable Charles C. Chang
The Honourable Roger Chown
The Honourable Erika Chozik
The Honourable Kendra D. Coats
The Honourable Clayton Conlan
The Honourable Gordon J. Cudjoe
The Honourable Nancy L. Dennison
The Honourable Michael P.D. Derstine
The Honourable Michael T. Doi
The Honourable Michael G. Emery
The Honourable Judy A. Fowler Byrne
The Honourable Joseph M. Fragomeni
The Honourable David E. Harris
The Honourable M. Suranganie Kumaranayake
The Honourable Marvin Kurz
The Honourable William M. LeMay
The Honourable Gordon D. Lemon
The Honourable Renu J. Mandhane
The Honourable Heather A. McGee
The Honourable Lucy K. McSweeney
The Honourable Gisele M. Miller
The Honourable Janet E. Mills
The Honourable Faisal Mirza
The Honourable Cynthia Petersen
The Honourable Leonard Ricchetti
The Honourable M.J. Lucille Shaw
The Honourable John R. Sproat
The Honourable Laura B. Stewart
The Honourable James Stribopoulos
The Honourable Jamie K. Trimble
The Honorable M. Claire Wilkinson
The Honourable Jennifer Woollcombe
The Honourable Colleen Yamashita
Judges of the East Region
The Honourable Calum U. C. MacLeod
Regional Senior Judge for the East Region
The Honourable Brian W. Abrams
The Honourable Julie Audet (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Julie Bergeron
The Honourable Lia M. Bramwell
The Honourable Thomas J. Carey
The Honourable Ian M. Carter
The Honourable Nathalie Champagne
The Honourable Sylvia Corthorn
The Honourable Hélène C. Desormeau (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Adriana Doyle
The Honourable Nicola Edmundson (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Tracy Engelking (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Michelle Flaherty
The Honourable Mary A. Fraser (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Charles T. Hackland
The Honourable Brian C.J. Holowka
The Honourable Jaye Hooper
The Honourable Patrick Hurley
The Honourable Karen Jensen
The Honourable John M. Johnston
The Honourable Alexandre Kaufman
The Honourable Stanley J. Kershman
The Honourable Marc R. Labrosse
The Honourable Laurie Lacelle
The Honourable Johanne Lafrance-Cardinal (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Anne E. London-Weinstein
The Honourable Pamela MacEachern (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Robert L. Maranger
The Honourable Elizabeth McCarty (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Hugh R. McLean
The Honourable Kerry Lee McVey
The Honourable Graeme Mew
The Honourable Timothy Minnema (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Kristin Muszynski
The Honourable Vasundhara Naik (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Julianne A. Parfett
The Honourable Robert Pelletier
The Honourable Kevin B. Phillips
The Honourable Owen Rees
The Honourable Cheryl Robertson (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Pierre E. Roger
The Honourable Robyn M. Ryan Bell
The Honourable Mark P. Shelston (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Maria N. Sirivar
The Honourable Marc E. Smith
The Honourable Robert J. Smith
The Honourable Narissa Somji
The Honourable Deborah Swartz (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Nicole J. Tellier (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Gary W. Tranmer
The Honourable Anne C. Trousdale (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Tami Waters (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Heather J. Williams
Judges of the Northeast Region
The Honourable Patrick Boucher
Regional Senior Judge for the Northeast Region
The Honourable Robin A. Bellows
The Honourable Victoria R. Chiappetta
The Honourable R. Dan Cornell
The Honourable Kathleen E. Cullin
The Honourable Brian DeLorenzi
The Honourable M. Gregory Ellies
The Honourable Edward E. Gareau
The Honourable Robbie D. Gordon
The Honourable Patricia C. Hennessy
The Honourable Alexander D. Kurke
The Honourable Cindy A. M. MacDonald
The Honourable David J. Nadeau
The Honourable Annalisa S. Rasaiah
The Honourable Julie Richard
The Honourable Susan Stothart
The Honourable Robin Y. Tremblay
The Honourable Michael N. Varpio
The Honourable James A. S. Wilcox
Judges of the Northwest Region
The Honourable W. Danial Newton
Regional Senior Judge for the Northwest Region
The Honourable Chantal M. Brochu
The Honourable F. Bruce Fitzpatrick
The Honourable John S. Fregeau
The Honourable Robin A. Lepere
The Honourable Tracey Nieckarz
The Honourable Helen M. Pierce
The Honourable Stephen J. Wojciechowski
Judges of the Southwest Region
The Honourable J. Paul R. Howard
Regional Senior Judge for the Southwest Region
The Honourable Jennifer E. Bezaire
The Honourable Christopher Bondy
The Honourable Scott K. Campbell
The Honourable Michael B.J. Carnegie
The Honourable Maria V. Carroccia
The Honourable Evelyn M. ten Cate
The Honourable Martha Cook
The Honourable Brian Dubé
The Honourable Marc A. Garson
The Honourable Kelly A. Gorman
The Honourable Sharon Hassan (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Pamela L. Hebner
The Honourable Thomas A. Heeney
The Honourable Paul J. Henderson (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Jacqueline A. Horvat
The Honourable Jason P. Howie
The Honourable Jasminka Kalajdzic
The Honourable George W. King
The Honourable Denise M. Korpan (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Ian F. Leach
The Honourable Lynne Leitch
The Honourable Barbara MacFarlane
The Honourable J. Ross Macfarlane
The Honourable Alissa K. Mitchell
The Honourable Victor Mitrow (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Patricia Moore
The Honourable Spencer Nicholson
The Honourable Joseph Perfetto
The Honourable Timothy G. Price (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Helen A. Rady
The Honourable Russell M. Raikes
The Honourable Kiran Sah (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Bruce G. Thomas
The Honourable Barry M. Tobin (Family Court Branch)
The Honourable Kelly C. Tranquilli
Judges of the Toronto Region
The Honourable Stephen E. Firestone
Regional Senior Judge for the Toronto Region
The Honourable R. Lee Akazaki
The Honourable Jasmine T. Akbarali
The Honourable Suhail A.Q. Akhtar
The Honourable Beth A. Allen
The Honourable Nancy L. Backhouse
The Honourable Joan M. Barrett
The Honourable Peter Bawden
The Honourable William Black
The Honourable Susanne Boucher
The Honourable Michael F. Brown
The Honourable Lisa Brownstone
The Honourable Kelly P. Byrne
The Honourable John Callaghan
The Honourable Kenneth L. Campbell
The Honourable R. Philip Campbell
The Honourable Peter J. Cavanagh
The Honourable Robert Centa
The Honourable William S. Chalmers
The Honourable Barbara A. Conway
The Honourable David L. Corbett
The Honourable Katherine B. Corrick
The Honourable Bonnie L. Croll
The Honourable Breese Davies
The Honourable James F. Diamond
The Honourable Bernadette Dietrich
The Honourable Jane O. Dietrich
The Honourable Michael Dineen
The Honourable Grant R. Dow
The Honourable Todd Ducharme
The Honourable Sean F. Dunphy
The Honourable Mario D. Faieta
The Honourable Maureen D. Forestell
The Honourable Cory A. Gilmore
The Honourable Benjamin T. Glustein
The Honourable Robert F. Goldstein
The Honourable Susan G. Himel
The Honourable Kenneth G. Hood
The Honourable Carolyn J. Horkins
The Honourable Jane E. Kelly
The Honourable Jessica Kimmel
The Honourable Markus Koehnen
The Honourable Melanie Kraft
The Honourable Freya Kristjanson
The Honourable Janet Leiper
The Honourable Richard A. Lococo
The Honourable Carissima Mathen
The Honourable Wendy M. Matheson
The Honourable Rita-Jean Maxwell
The Honourable Heather McArthur
The Honourable John B. McMahon
The Honourable Loretta P. Merritt
The Honourable Anne M. Molloy
The Honourable Edward M. Morgan
The Honourable Frederick L. Myers
The Honourable Shaun S. Nakatsuru
The Honourable E. Llana Nakonechny
The Honourable Apple C. Newton-Smith
The Honourable Sandra Nishikawa
The Honourable Shaun O’Brien
The Honourable Alfred J. O’Marra
The Honourable Brian P. O’Marra
The Honourable Peter J. Osborne
The Honourable Eugenia Papageorgiou
The Honourable Ira G. Parghi
The Honourable Jennifer Penman
The Honourable Michael A. Penny
The Honourable Andrew Pinto
The Honourable Andra Pollak
The Honourable Jill Presser
The Honourable Audrey P. Ramsay
The Honourable Catherine H. Rhinelander
The Honourable Gillian E. Roberts
The Honourable Nathalie Des Rosiers
The Honourable Harriet E. Sachs
The Honourable Mary A. Sanderson
The Honourable Andrew A. Sanfilippo
The Honourable Paul B. Schabas
The Honourable P. Andras Schreck
The Honourable Mohan Sharma
The Honourable Linda A. Shin
The Honourable Julia Shin Doi
The Honourable Sharon Shore
The Honourable Nancy J. Spies
The Honourable Jana Steele
The Honourable Colin P. Stevenson
The Honourable David G. Stinson
The Honourable P. Tamara Sugunasiri
The Honourable Susan Vella
The Honourable Marie-Andrée Vermette
The Honourable Benita Wassenaar