Case Center in the Superior Court of Justice – Quick Tips

As of July 1st, 2024, CaseLines has changed its name to Case Center in Ontario.

Below are quick tips for using Case Center in Superior Court of Justice cases. More detailed information is available on the Superior Court of Justice Website at:

Only upload to Case Center documents which have been filed with the Court.  For filing, refer to the Notice to the Profession, Public, Parties and Media.

1, Register
2. Invitations
3. Logging onto Case Center
4. Inviting other lawyers or legal assistants or third parties into your case
4.1 Access to Subsequent Events 
4.2 Removing Case Access for Counsel 
5. What to Upload
6. Naming Uploaded Documents
6.1 Changing the Order of Your Documents 
7. Hyperlinking documents uploaded to Case Center to external websites
8. Hyperlinking to sections within the same document (i.e. bookmarks)
9. Hyperlinking two or more documents uploaded to Case Center to one another
10. Page Numbering
11.How to upload your documents to Case Center
12. Uploading draft orders and forms with fillable fields to Case Center
13. Accessing virtual hearing details
14. Refer the judicial official to a specific page in your materials
15. Orders and Endorsements
16. Help

1.    Register

Register as an Ontario Case Center’s user at Avoid emails going to your junk folder by making Case Center a trusted sender. Save “” in your list of email contacts.

2.    Invitations

You will receive an invitation for your matter from If you have not received an invitation 5 days prior to the hearing, contact the court office or opposing counsel and ask for an invitation to be sent. You are responsible for ensuring that your correct email address is reflected on court filings so that staff can provide you access to Case Center for your case.

3.    Logging onto Case Center

You will log into Case Center using your preferred email address and a password you create. Once logged on, find your case by selecting View Case List. The Case Filter box allows you to search for the case name or hearing date. Find the correct event “bundle” (folder) for your hearing and upload documents to the appropriate section.

4.    Inviting other lawyers or legal assistants or third parties into your case

Counsel: If other lawyers or legal assistants need to upload or view documents in Case Center, ensure to invite other professionals to your case in Case Center. Counsel in criminal matters are prohibited from inviting their clients/accused persons into Case Center.

Self-represented litigants: If you are a self-represented litigant in a civil, family, or Divisional Court case and require sharing your Case Center case with a third party (such as mediation services), you may invite these parties into your case in Case Center. Self-represented litigants should exercise caution to ensure they are only providing Case Center access to third parties for the purpose of the court proceeding. If you do not see the “Invite New Participant” option, you can reach out to the court office so that staff can enable this permission on your account.

To invite lawyers, legal assistants, or third parties into your case:

  1. Locate the case (found on your “View Case List” screen).
  2. Select the Update Case
  3. Select the “People” tab found in the case file.
  4. Select “Invite New Participant”.
  5. Enter the participant’s email address and their role (if they do not already have a Case Center account)
  6. Select all the items listed under Bundle Access.
  7. Review the options listed under Access Permissions Select only the options appropriate for the person you are inviting. 
  8. Select all the items listed under Emails.
  9. Once you click “Invite”, an automated Case Center email will be sent to the person containing a link to the case.

You can view a short how-to video here. An additional walkthrough of inviting participants to a case can be found here.

4.1 Access to Subsequent Events
If your case was previously created in Case Center but you are preparing for a new hearing or conference within the same case, court staff will provide you access to a new bundle (folder) 5 days before your new hearing date. You are responsible for providing administrative staff or third parties with access to any new bundles that have been created for subsequent hearings.

To provide someone access to new bundles when they have already been invited to a case:

    1. Locate the case (found on your “View Case List” screen).
    2. Select the Update Case.
    3. Select the “People” tab found in the case file.
    4. Find the name of the person you want to have access to the new bundle.
      1. Tip – press the “Ctrl” and “F” buttons on your keyboard. Your internet browser will pop up a box. In this box, type the last name of the person you’d like to have access to the new bundle. Case Center will bring you to that name on the page so you don’t have to scroll.
    5. Find the name of the new bundle next to that person’s name.
    6. Check off the box next to the new bundle name. That person will now have access to the new bundle.

4.2 Removing Case Access for Counsel

If you are counsel who has been removed from the record and are no longer representing a party in the case, you may reach out to the court office to remove your access to the case so that it no longer appears on your Case Center account. Similarly, lawyers may wish to remove law clerks, legal assistants, or junior counsel who they have invited into the case but are no longer working on it.

To remove a user’s access to bundles in a case:

  1. Locate the case (found on your “View Case List” screen).
  2. Select the Update Case button.
  3. Select the “People” tab found in the case file.
  4. Find the name of the person you wish to remove.
  5. Uncheck the bundles next to the person’s name.

That user will no longer be able to access the case as they do not have access to any bundles.

5.    What to Upload

You must upload into Case Center:

  1. Every document you have filed with the court in respect of the hearing or conference, except sealed documents or un-redacted affidavits for the removal of a lawyer;
  2. A factum with hyperlinks to cases on CanLII, or where no factum is required filed, a list of authorities with hyperlinks to cases (not copies of the cases);[1]
  3. A completed Participant Information Form;
  4. Any previous orders and endorsements;
  5. In civil and Divisional Court cases, a compendium linking to portions of cases and evidence to which the party intents to refer during the hearing or conference;
  6. If there are to be any exhibits, each exhibit uploaded separately and saved with a descriptive name (the Registrar can only add one electronic exhibit stamp per document);
  7. Draft orders; and
  8. Affidavits of service must be uploaded in family cases. In civil and Divisional Court cases, they should only be uploaded if service is contested, or proof of service is necessary for determining the matter.

For criminal cases, see the Consolidated Provincial Practice Direction for Criminal Proceedings for a list of documents prohibited from being uploaded in Case Center.

IMPORTANT: uploading to Case Center does not replace filing requirements. Parties are expected to file their documents through the Ministry’s Justice Services Online (JSO) portal, in person at the counter, or through other appropriate means as outlined in the Court’s Notices and Practice Directions. Parties must only upload the accepted signed/stamped version of the document into Case Center.

6.    Naming Uploaded Documents

To upload into Case Center, you must save your document using the Court’s standard document naming protocol as referenced in the appropriate Practice Direction by indicating:

  1. Document type (including the form number in family cases);
  2. Type of party submitting the document;
  3. Name of the party submitting the document (including initials if the name is not unique to the case); and
  4. Date on which the document was created or signed, in the format DD-MMM-YYYY (e.g. 12-SEP-2021).

6.1 Changing the Order of Your Documents 

Your documents should be ordered in Case Center in a way that is consistent with the sequence outlined in any practice directions. The Court’s practice directions can be found here:

When uploading more than one document at the same time: you can control the order in which they appear by adding a number to the beginning of the document name (i.e. 1. Factum – Respondent Smith – 01-JAN-2021).

When uploading subsequent documents that should be placed between previously uploaded documents: you should use the “insert” function in Case Center to ensure the documents are uploaded without impacting the Case Center page numbers of the documents you previously uploaded. See Tip 9 in the SCJ Case Center Guide for more detailed instructions on the “insert” feature:


7.    Hyperlinking documents uploaded to Case Center to external websites

Hyperlinks in documents that point to external websites will remain active after the document is uploaded to Case Center (e.g., linking a factum to caselaw on Use the hyperlinking function in your word processing software.

8.    Hyperlinking to sections within the same document (i.e. bookmarks)

Internal hyperlinks (bookmarks) pointing to a place within the same document will remain active after the document is uploaded to Case Center. For example, a table of contents in an abbreviated book of authorities can be linked to each of the authorities within. Use the bookmarking function in your word processing software.

9.    Hyperlinking two or more documents uploaded to Case Center to one another

When you have multiple documents that you’d like to provide links between, there are three processes you can use to ensure the links between these documents are available in Case Center, depending on how you’d like to prepare your documents.

For details outlining how to use these options, see 10.3 in the Case Center in the Superior Court of Justice: A Guide to Requirements, which walks through each process, and includes video tutorials of each.

This is particularly important for linking affidavits to multiple exhibits. Exhibits must be displayed as separate documents in Case Center so that court staff can apply a unique electronic exhibit stamp to each one.

10. Page Numbering

If you are applying your own page numbers in your document creating software, do not use the top or bottom right corner for your pagination. Case Center will use the top and bottom right of the page to apply its autogenerated page number.

Parties should always refer to the Case Center-generated page numbers when preparing for their appearance and presenting their material. The presiding judicial official will only have access to your material through Case Center, so parties should make an effort to support the judiciary by easily referencing their material using these page numbers.

11. How to upload your documents to Case Center:

To upload your documents to Case Center:

  1. Find your case and select the Update Case
  2. Select the “Upload” tab.
  3. Ensure the bundle selected is the correct bundle you want to upload your document into (either the event bundle, the Pleadings bundle, or the Orders and Endorsements bundle). If the incorrect bundle is selected, select “Select Bundle” to choose the appropriate one from the dropdown list.
  4. In the “Select Section” field, ensure you select the appropriate section to upload your document(s)
    • Select “Upload File(s)” if you are uploading documents individually.
    • Select “Upload bookmarked PDF into a single section” if you are uploading documents that you have linked to other documents also being uploaded which have been prepared as a “bulk upload” (using the process outlined in 10.3.1 of the Case Center Guide to Requirements).
  5. Once you select the appropriate upload option, select “Add Files” and choose the file(s) you want to upload. If uploading multiple documents, ensure you number them so that Case Center uploads them in the appropriate order.
  6. Select “Start Upload”. Depending on the size of your file, it may take a moment for your documents to appear in the case in Case Center.

12. Uploading draft orders and forms with fillable fields to Case Center

You should include draft orders with your materials so the judicial official can access it directly through Case Center.

You can also upload documents with fillable fields, such as the Trial Management Plan under Rule 76.

Draft orders and forms with fillable fields should be uploaded in Word format so that the judicial official can easily access and provide the appropriate authorization on it. You should ensure all documents in Word format are not password protected prior to uploading them to Case Center.

IMPORTANT – this does not apply to the Superior Court of Justice’s Pre-Trial Conference form for Criminal matters. For information pertaining to that specific fillable form, please refer to the instructions listed on the form, which is accessible here as Combined form 17 and 18-A1:

13. Accessing virtual hearing details

To access the video conference link through Case Center:

  1. Log into Case Center and find your case.
  2. Select Update Case.
  3. Case Center will open your case on the Case Home
  4. Select the Video Conference Link
  5. Case Center will open a new tab on your web browser that will take you to the virtual hearing room. The Meeting ID and Passcode will also be available on this page.

14. Refer the judicial official to a specific page in your materials

Through the “Review” screen, you can direct the judicial official and other parties to a specific page in your material during your hearing or conference. There are two ways to do this:

  1. Provide the judicial official or other parties with the Case Center-generated document and page number (e.g., B17). Once provided with the page number, access the “Find” tab at the top of the screen. Select “Find page” and type the Case Center-generated page number. Press Enter on your keyboard, and Case Center will take you directly to that page.
  2. You have the option to immediately direct everyone to a specific page during your hearing through the system. To do this, access the “Find” tab at the top of the screen and select “Direct others to Page”. Using this feature will send a message to all other parties that they can be taken to that specific page. Before selecting “Direct others to Page”, you must ensure “Lawyers, Judges, Court Staff” is selected. You can tell if this option is selected if there is a checkmark in the icon. If there is no checkmark, select the “Lawyers, Judges, Court Staff” button before selecting “Direct others to Page”.

15. Orders and Endorsements

Any orders or endorsements resulting from a hearing using Case Center will be distributed to parties directly through Case Center. Once the order or endorsement has been signed, the Court will upload it into the Orders and Endorsements bundle in your case using the following naming protocol: Endorsement – Pre-trial – Justice ABC – 04-MAR-2022. You will receive an email from Case Center when the order or endorsement has been uploaded.

You can download the order or endorsement directly from Case Center in two ways:

  1. From the “Review” screen:
    • Ensure the selected bundle is the “Orders and Endorsements” bundle;
    • Click “Download” at the top of the screen;
    • Select “Download Document
  2. From the “Update” or case file screen:
    • Click on “Index” at the top of the screen
    • Click “Select Bundle” to choose the Orders and Endorsement bundle;
    • Find the order or endorsement and select the “PDF” button.

Using either of these options will download a PDF version of the order or endorsement directly to your computer.

16. Help

For more comprehensive information on using Case Center in the Superior Court of Justice, you are encouraged to access the SCJ’s Case Center Guide to Requirements here:

A complete list of Case Center guides is offered by Thomson Reuters at the following website:

The Ministry of the Attorney General’s Court Services Division offers support to counsel and self-represented litigants with Case Center inquiries. Please dial 1-800-980-4962 and select option 4 for Case Center support or email your questions to Support is available from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Monday to Friday).

If you are counsel, the Ontario Bar Association (OBA) offers training, hands-on tools, and services to assist lawyers and firms in making the transition to using Case Center. The OBA has partnered with Thomson Reuters in order to receive the training and test environment necessary to help support members of the bar. To learn more about these training packages, visit:

[1] Hyperlink to caselaw on publicly available online sources (such as CanLII). Case Center will retain hyperlinks to external websites after your document is uploaded. Where these hyperlinks are provided, it is not necessary to file Books of Authorities. For caselaw that is not available online, an abbreviated Book of Authorities should be provided to the court.