Administrative Dismissals under Rule 48.14 of the Rules of Civil Procedure – Central East Region

Effective May 13, 2024, all consent or confirmed unopposed motions addressing the dismissal timelines under Rule 48.14 of the Rules of Civil Procedure shall be brought by way of a motion in writing that will be heard as a “basket motion” before a judge. Consent timetables filed under this Rule will also be handled as a basket motion by a judge.

Any contested motion for a status hearing will first be addressed in the weekly triage court held every Thursday in the Central East Region. Counsel will be expected to have consulted prior to the triage court concerning an agreed upon timetable that will address all steps required leading up to the actual motion. The triage judge will determine if the motion for a status hearing can be heard in writing; whether the motion can be heard as a one-hour motion on a regular motions list; or whether the motion will be heard as a long motion (i.e. longer than one hour).

For more information regarding how to schedule a contested motion for a status hearing, please refer to the Notice to the Profession, issued on March 1, 2024 and subsequently updated on June 24, 2024. Central East | Superior Court of Justice (

RSJ Mark Edwards