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Public Hearings Decisions

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Justice Lesley M. Baldwin

Reasons for Decision (2002)

Regional Senior Justice Paul Currie

Interim Rulings (2025)

Justice Howard I. Chisvin

Supplementary Reasons (2013)
Reasons for Decision (2012)

Justice Norman Douglas

Supplementary Reasons (2006)
Reasons for Decision (2006)

Former Justice Kerry P. Evans

Reasons for Decision (2004)
Interim Ruling (2004)
Reasons for Rulings (2003)

Justice John Keast

Reasons for Decision – Compensation for legal costs (2018)
Reasons for Decision (2017)

Justice Donald McLeod

On April 4, 2022, the Ontario Judicial Council made the following Order:

On March 11, 2022, the Ontario Judicial Council received a formal request from a member of the public to release the name of the complainant who filed the March 27, 2019 complaint to the Council regarding the conduct of the Honourable Justice Donald McLeod.

The complainant was not identified in the evidence that was before the Hearing Panel of the Council.  Although the letter of complaint was attached to the Notice of Hearing for the proceeding, the name of the complainant was redacted from the letter: see Rule 4.5 of the Council’s Procedural Rules.  On June 2, 2021, the Hearing Panel released its decision dismissing the complaint against Justice McLeod.

Given that the complainant’s identity was not part of the record at the hearing, and that the unredacted letter of complaint is in the possession of the Judicial Council, the request was referred to the Ontario Judicial Council for its consideration.

Having considered the request, the Ontario Judicial Council hereby orders that the name of the complainant be released.  Although the identity of a complainant is confidential at the investigation stage of the complaints process pursuant to s. s. 51.4(16) of the Courts of Justice Act, a public hearing was ordered into the complaint in this case.  Section 49(11) of the provides that the Judicial Council’s hearings under s. 51.6 shall be open to the public, unless s. 51.6(7) applies. Subsection 51.6(7) does not apply in this case.  The hearing panel was not asked to exercise its discretion to make an order prohibiting the publication of information that might identify the complainant.

The complaint was submitted by former Associate Chief Justice Peter DeFreitas (now Justice DeFreitas).  The unredacted letter may be found here.

Hearing Two
Reasons for Decision Re Compensation for Legal Costs (2021)
Reasons for Decision (2021) – Note: for full content, please download the decision to Word or Pages.
Direction Concerning Access to Exhibits  (2021)

Decision of the Hearing Panel on Accommodation Request from a Member of the Public (2021)
Reasons for Decision (2020)
Procedural Order (2020)
Order Regarding Format of the Hearing (2020)
Order Regarding Withdrawal of Summonses (2020)
Order for Disclosure (2020)
Order Regarding Summonses for Witnesses (2020)
Order for Second Hearing for the Delivery of Summonses (2020)
Hearing One
Reasons for Decision Re Compensation for Legal Costs (2019)
Reasons for Decision (2018)
Summary (2018)

Former Justice Marvin G. Morten

Reasons for Decision (2006)
Reasons for Rulings (2006)

Former Justice Dianne M. Nicholas

Hearing Two
Decision of the Panel Following Notice of the Pending Retirement of Justice Nicholas (2014)
Hearing One
Reasons for Decision (2004)

Former Justice William G. Richards

Reasons for Decision (2002)

Justice Bernd Zabel

Reasons for Decision (2017)
Summary of the Decision (2017)

Former Justice Marvin A. Zuker

Reasons for Decision (2007)