About Decisions

Releasing Decisions of the Court of Appeal

New Decision Database

The Court of Appeal for Ontario has launched a new online decision database.  The new decision database has enhanced features including full Boolean search capacity (e.g. “”, OR, AND, EXACT(), etc.). Details on how to use the search feature can be found on this page under the heading Help.

We now also offer an email subscription receiving the Court’s latest decisions.

We welcome your comments, concerns and suggestions on the changes to our decision database.  You can e-mail us at COA.feedback@ontario.ca.  Please do not send general inquiries to this e-mail address as they cannot be redirected.

Reasons for Decision and Endorsements

Since May 8, 2017, the Court of Appeal for Ontario has classified shorter decisions that do not require extensive analysis of the facts or law as “Reasons for Decision.” Prior to May 8, 2017, these shorter decisions were classified as “Endorsements.” The Court now only uses the term “Endorsement” to describe decisions that are written on the back of the appeal book or motion record, or for costs decisions.

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